Vaccination for Human Papilloma Virus Infection(HPV)
For Precancerous / cancer cervix lesions, Vagina lesions, Vulva Lesions.
To reduce risks of Cervical Cancer, Pre-Invasive Cervical Conditions (Stage Zero Cancer), Genital Warts for Women, Genital Warts for Men, Other HPV related diseases
A Gynecological Endoscope used to visualize cervix, Vagina, Vulva lesions and for biopsy or excisional treatment if needed
For precancerous cervix lesions, Vagina lesions, Vulva Lesions.
Conditions such as:
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(CIN) / Stage ‘0’ cancer of cervix based on some classifications
Identifying healthy versus abnormal tissues of cervix for targeted biopsy or treatment
Contraceptive implant
Inserting small implant under skin for family planning
Continuous release of low dose medication as an effective method for family planning.
Insertion of Intrauterine system/ device
Family planning or control of heavy periods
A small device insered into a womb, continuously releasing medication at low doses to improve heavy menstrual bleeding, can also be used for overgrowth of tissue in womb (Emdometrial Hyperplasia).
Make Appointment
Get the care you need, and schedule an appointment with us today. With easy online appointment, you choose a time that is right for you. Or you can give us a call to setup your appointment.