Achieving excellent 5-Year Survival Rate for Minimally Invasive Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer


Achieving excellent 5-Year Survival Rate for Minimally Invasive Radical Hysterectomy for Cervical Cancer. A lecture and speech by Professor Chyi-Long Lee / Dr Peng Teng Chua


This online lecture was given during the 8th APAGE-Tongji Gynecologic Minimally Invasive Surgery & Oncology

Forum Date: 18 July 2020

Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS) for Early Stage Cervical Cancer has been in practice since year 1992/ 1993 with excellent results in the hands of well-trained Gynecologic, Gyne-Oncologic Endoscopic Surgeons. Recent research published in an influential journal has drawn knee-jerk responses and bias towards MIS in cervical cancer despite the said study having obvious flaws. In this lecture, salient points regarding the advantages of MIS as well as deficiencies in the said study will be explored. The upcoming MITOR study that aims to justify use of MIS in Cervical Cancer will be explained as well.