Minimally Invasive Gynaecology & Gynae-Oncology Team
It is Dr Chua’s aim and vision to establish greater teamwork and multidisciplinary effort in clinical & surgical practice.
It is Dr Chua’s aim and vision to establish greater teamwork and multidisciplinary effort in clinical & surgical practice.
At the Thai-German Multidisciplinary Endoscopic Training Centre, performed cadeveric pelvic dissection, working together with friends and colleagues from different countries. They serve very good Thai Tea here as well, probably one of the best 🙂
Hands on workshop focusing on Advanced Hysteroscopic Techniques, with Intrauterine Shaver System’s creator, Dr Bigatti, as well as peer learning and exchange of knowledge with doctors from Asia Pacific Region. Dr Chua received his certification in Advanced Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopic Suturing from the Education and Assessment Division of APAGE-MIT in this workshop.
Regional and International experts from various fields came together to discuss and present on the latest topics concerning Human Papilloma Virus Infection, Cervical Cancer, Male HPV burden and vaccination strategies.
Met and exchanged valuable insights and knowledge with colleagues and professionals from various backgrounds and nationality.